Sometime back a friend of mine sent an sms saying, "the true flavor of a tea is tested when put in hot water. So if you are feeling gloomy today, shed it are God's own favorite cup of tea" .......Oh my God! it surely did put a smile on my face. Osho had said somewhere once that heaven and hell are not geographical places... they are our states of mind. WE create them. I only realised the truth of the statement these last six- seven months. I have visited this place called hell and its a very nasty place to spend a lifetime.....And nobody enters with you there and nobody ever can pull you out from this place. I have cried, I have gone crazy, miserable, frustrated, anxious, tense and cried all over again...I did a lot of brooding on my imagined past bad karmas ....nothing helped. I stopped my meditations. And then one day as if it was a miracle I pulled myself out of it. Now I am back. Thank you my blogger friends ....each one of you... I am not mentioning th...
it's about women. let's begin with a hope that there might be some change some day.