Act I, sc i
Enter jyotsana (hidden behind the curtains hudson and robin)
Friends, Romans, countrymen (never mind if you are neither of these)
just lend me your ears(and your eyes as well) that will do
I am fresh and back from a short vacation to Maharashtra
I gleefully read with glutton
all the comments you put in there on my last post
what ho! I am also back to talk about a woman in particular
god forbid
it’s a man in particular of infinite charms
O mistake me not friends for the Comedy of Errors
I am hitherto a blogger
but here is my Shakespeare
Good bloggers take heart
after my last two posts on love stories
do not you misjudge me
that I deviate from my sole purpose
but do confess here i
my own love affair with the man called Shakespeare
and the turbulence within of the most horrid kind
ever since my ears heard of the controversies raged
By John Hudson and Robin P. Williams
who mistake him for some Amelia Bassano or Countess of Pembroke
A foolish thought to utter
O the effect of Midsummer Night's Dream on these slumberous minds!
this cannot be by no assay of reason
that our Shakespeare be a woman
O why do you not leave him alone
the man who understood his women so perfectly well
Horrible villains I’ll unhair thy heads
or ill even sue you
(the modern way of unhairing people)
but if thou shalt retaliate
with thy thick volumes of research
I shall run away
what would a poor woman like me do
with a tiny heart
but I have a mind to strike thee on my blog ere thou speakest
and out-tongue thee thy most absurd intents
Alas what ignorant sin has a writer committed
to be subjected thus to the stings of an imperial critic
why oh why does critical literature become stronger than creative literature?
Heaven doth truly know it
that a a force creative is beyond all gender race and nationality
where does the writer offend the sensibilities of a critic so
that he dwells more on bisexuality, homosexuality
or a man or a woman Shakespeare
By heaven you do him wrong
(the post is not a deliberate invective against any-one and is only meant to amuse. the author apologises if any hurt caused to the new school of thought.)
Enter jyotsana (hidden behind the curtains hudson and robin)
Friends, Romans, countrymen (never mind if you are neither of these)
just lend me your ears(and your eyes as well) that will do
I am fresh and back from a short vacation to Maharashtra
I gleefully read with glutton
all the comments you put in there on my last post
what ho! I am also back to talk about a woman in particular

god forbid
it’s a man in particular of infinite charms
O mistake me not friends for the Comedy of Errors
I am hitherto a blogger
but here is my Shakespeare
Good bloggers take heart
after my last two posts on love stories
do not you misjudge me
that I deviate from my sole purpose
but do confess here i
my own love affair with the man called Shakespeare
and the turbulence within of the most horrid kind
ever since my ears heard of the controversies raged
By John Hudson and Robin P. Williams
who mistake him for some Amelia Bassano or Countess of Pembroke
A foolish thought to utter
O the effect of Midsummer Night's Dream on these slumberous minds!
this cannot be by no assay of reason
that our Shakespeare be a woman
O why do you not leave him alone
the man who understood his women so perfectly well
Horrible villains I’ll unhair thy heads
or ill even sue you
(the modern way of unhairing people)
but if thou shalt retaliate
with thy thick volumes of research
I shall run away
what would a poor woman like me do
with a tiny heart
but I have a mind to strike thee on my blog ere thou speakest
and out-tongue thee thy most absurd intents
Alas what ignorant sin has a writer committed
to be subjected thus to the stings of an imperial critic
why oh why does critical literature become stronger than creative literature?
Heaven doth truly know it
that a a force creative is beyond all gender race and nationality
where does the writer offend the sensibilities of a critic so
that he dwells more on bisexuality, homosexuality
or a man or a woman Shakespeare
By heaven you do him wrong
(the post is not a deliberate invective against any-one and is only meant to amuse. the author apologises if any hurt caused to the new school of thought.)
There has always been a flurry of doubt about the work of Shakespeare. I haven't read the books by John Hudson and Robin P Williams, so I really can't comment on them.
I do agree we seem to focus more on his personal life than his work.
What do I care about his sexual proclivities, but I do think if there is proof that the work was authored by someone else they should receive the credit.
But as I said earlier this debate has been raging for years and no solid proof has been found.
Thought provoking as always and I am going to read about Maharastra when I have a little more time. Glad to have you back!
Keep up with the good work! Have found a site about (forgotten) woman's work throughout history,ít's in dutch I think, but I'll check it and let u know! I do agree with wordcrafter, that the pen has no gender or sexuality.
Thanks for visiting my blog by the way...
such a beautiful writer - i do hope you are well. i believe both of us have been rather incognito this summer.
much love,
lady blue
and they all shout.....
"bravo bravo bravo"... ;-D
a brilliant post,and written so well. :-)
His personal life is immaterial,he is simply one of the best writers to have ever walked the face of this earth!
Thanx for your comments on my blog,,all is very well, but I am writing much recently, I am busy with my family, and I am taking a course in creative writing that is consuming most of my time.
Take care
But good as now I can read about it ;)
Thanks for sharing
"shakespeare in love",strangely enuf i too felt that a woman's pschy is very difficult for a man to portray,,,but he did that so smoothly...may be it is a point of consideration.
hope u doing well got your wishes al thru...
take care :)
you should view my post entitled foolery .... indeed, beyond two plays published in his name, Shakespeare is a shadowy figure in the history of literature ....
lady blue
and i totally agree with sucharita about criticism......
you are a brilliant writer with effective pulse...loved it...
take care
take care
Thank you for the comment you left about my post on Daddy's dating rules. :) i'm glad you like it.
Personally, I think the most sensible of writers, whichever genre are those who are most in touch with the feminine in them... that's where inspiration stems from, and only the strongest are able to draw from it.
hope you don't mind being a regular visitor in my blog. :) see you there!
Very Very well done. Should it really matter the gender or preferences of a writer?
It is the words that touch the heart and mind that matter.
I am so glad I wandered into this blog tonight!
Great fun and skillfully contrived! Kudos to you. (And to all men and women who create.)
nice piece here..
I love this parody. Shakespeare was sufficiently intelligent and intuitive to be a woman. I would let him into the sisterhood!
June in Oz