I am bringing this story here for all of you even though I found it so heart-breaking.
The story illustrates how we loose our awareness in fits of rage for things that do not really matter.
While dad was polishing his new car, his four year old son picked up a stone and scratched a few lines on the side of his car. The father seeing this got so furious that in anger he took the child's hand and hit it several times, not realising that he was using a wrench.
At the hospital, his child asked, "dad when will my fingers grow back?"
Dad was so hurt. He went back now to hit his car and kicked it many times.
Exhausted he sat back and his eyes fell on the scratches.
Coming close he saw....his son had written, Dad I love you....
How can we forget that people are meant to be loved and things are meant to be used. What a tragedy it is that people are being used and things are being loved.
I love your artwork in your sidebar! It's very emotional and expressive.
What beautiful prose! As good as your poetry. How we use anger to release our inner frustrations comes through as a meaningful message!
Keep on writing & publish in book form. Why don't you? As a collection of short stories.
Smita Tewari
Jyotsna please visit my blog for two write ups. I am waiting for your valuable comments.
S mita Ma'am
Man..the things that happen...
Ill visit u some more.
Anand. :-)
The 2nd part of the "Legend of Krishna" has been publised.
Have a great read. Lemme knw wot u think. I hope u like it.
And it's true..so far as I believe. And yes..places such as these have unexplained high energies running across them.
Anand. :-)
It's big but it's finally out..
The last part of the Legend of Krishna. I worked as fast as I cud so u r not left unsatisfied...
Hope u like it. Lemme know wot u think.
The story writer. :-)